During the travel around the world in 2010-2011, Anne-Gaëlle was not alone. OK, of course there was Jacqueline Algane... But as distracting the company of an imaginary team mate such as Jacqueline can be, the power of action and the effectiveness of fictional characters remain very limited.

However, there is a team on which Anne-Gaëlle could always count, it is the 3rd to 5th grades of the school of Cleden-Cap-Sizun (Finistère, France) with their teacher Pascale Mougin!

A trip around the world enquiring about sustainability , in 17 countries, in 9 months... The first question that arises is the consumption of oil for such a journey, right? Fortunately, the algonauts junior monitored and calculated the CO2 offset for the trip. But that's not all! During this school project, lots of questions and investigation on algae and the visited countries.

Have a look below in the video on the numerous activities carried out in this exchange placed under the sign of science and complicity.

Sur le terrain / On the field

Algae workshops in the classroom


Videoconferences / Visioconférences

visioconference floripa
Fin de visioconférence mouvementée, nous avons bien ri !

ISAP 2011 - Halifax, Canada - videoconference
Live from the ISAP conference in Halifax

Meeting back in la Pointe du Raz

Echange pédagogique : retrouvailles à la Pointe du Raz



Exposition de l'école
Quelques panneaux de l'exposition des algonautes juniors

CO2 offset: from Cleden to Malaysia

